Friday, May 31, 2019

Captains of Industry :: essays research papers

In 1796, president George Washigton wrote a good-by address to speak to the state of matter before he retired. In this, he explained valid reasons to keep America an isolated as well as neutral country. It is clearly prominent that caps farewell adress was necessary. This is due to the fact that it gave the nation something to ponder as well as dwell upon. Washingtons intent was for his adress was to serve as an itenerary for the future of our nation. This did not succeed. Although it would be tenable to be used today, we continue to remain allies with some countries, and enemies with others.     Washingtons address analyzed the nations domestic difficulties. He stated that, "...anthipathies against particular nations and passionate attachments for others should be excluded, and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings toward one another should be cultivated." In this, he expressed his longing for neutrality in the nation.    &n bsp Another main peak that explains the necessity of the address was to cement the fact that we should stay out of other countrys affairs that we should be our own independant nation. Washington did not want America to wee-wee sides, because at that time, America was stilll forming as its own country and he believed that we should concentrate on our country. If America is to be an independant country, why should we have affairs with other countries? For example, Europe. Washington strongly felt that we should break ties and establish none with other foreign contries and that we should not, at any circumstance, interfere with European affairs. In his reasoning, he expressed his desire for isolation in the nation.      Being a strong figure that many looked upon, Washingtons intent for his policy of isolation and neutrality was to serve as a prescription medicine for future years. By using VALID reasoning combined with hope for his nation, Washington denounc ed the idea of favorites and enemies in order to for our nation to be "a free, enlightened, and, at no distant period, a great nation to give mankind the maganimous and too novel example of a people always guided by exhalted justice and benevolence..." His speech was also addressed at the end of term, in order to serve as a basis for the future of our country to follow. disdain this GRATUITUS attempt, his address did not succeed in being the precedent it was designed to.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Cultural theory and the meanings of money :: Business and Management Studies

Cultural supposition and the meanings of moneyCouples and their money theory and practice in personal cash in handFour perspectives draw on* Economics and rational choice theory* Social structural approaches* Psychological approaches* Cultural theory and the meanings of money. According to classical economical theory money has quaternion main functionsit is a medium of exchange,a store of value,a unit of account,a standard of deferred payment.Perspectives within economic theory relevant to personal financesfungibilityThis notion is standard in classical economic theory and means thatmoney is considered to be neutral and interchangeable, so that anyunit of wealth is substitutable for any other (McCloskey, 1987). rational choice theoryThis assumes that people make reasoned choices in order to maximisetheir overall welfare or utility. Rational choice theory lays stresson the importance of information in facilitating the efficient workingof markets and of consumer choice. Daniel I ha ve a high pertain account with First Direct as well. Andthen I have another nest egg account which is slightly lower interest. The high interest savings account has a penalty on withdrawals, so Ikeep a sum of money in there stable which I foolt draw on. If I haveextra spending, or I need to top up my current account in case Imgoing overdrawn, that comes from the third, lower interest accountwhich I keep for small amounts. When I have a surplus at the end ofthe month in my current account I transfer across to the high interestaccount as much as I can. Daniels economic rationality extended to credit cards and Air Miles. He explained about his American Express bullion CardI use that for my purchases because I fetch Air Miles on that, so all mypurchases I get Air Miles and I transfer that to my various Air Milesaccounts. I originally got a G overage Card because they did a specialoffer, had one free for a year, and so I gave up after a year. SaidNo thank you. I dont want to pay fo r a card. Oh well, anothercard arrives free for a year, so I said, Fine.Pahl, J. (2001) Couples and their money theory and practice inpersonal finances, in R. Sykes, C.Bochel and N. R. Ellison, SocialPolicy Review 13, Policy Press Bristol.Rosie If Ive got to have dealings with them for money, I analogous toknow that its only a certain number of hours I like restrictions ofbanking hours I do quite like that. Im old fashioned, completelyopposite to Daniel. If he sees that something is wrong with one of

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Essay on Freedom in Color Purple and Their Eyes Were Watching God

The Spirit of Freedom in The Color Purple and Their Eyes Were Watching God   Freedom takes legion(predicate) different forms. There is personal immunity, societal freedom, mental freedom, and physical freedom. Freedom is not tangible, but may be achieved through many experiences. Different aspects of freedom are apparent in both The Color Purple and Their Eyes Were Watching God. In The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, the freedom moves from the appearside into Celie and then out again. In Their Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston, the freedom stems from within Janie but is prompted by certain outside forces. Both women experience freedom, and the freedom grows from within and is radiated outward.      In The Color Purple Celie evolves from being oppressed by Mr.____ and society to being free in every possible sense. The spark of freedom starts from within her and radiates outward with each new catalyst. Shug is Celies first source of freedom. She teac hes Celie to be free in her thoughts and to respect what she thinks and feels. Shug makes Celie realize that its okay to think what she thinks and to feel what she feels. Why Miss Celie, she say, you clam up a virgin (Walker p.81).      Sofia is Celies second source of freedom. While Sofia herself does not tell Celie anything, she relates free feelings and ideas to Celie. For a time, Sofia was, in every way, unfree. And Celie knew that Sofia did not want to be that way. Celie knowing that she could never give up hope, and that made her actions free.      Although Mr._____ oppressed and hindered Celie, he was in conclusion a source of freedom. When he gave Celie the telegram that said Nettie was dead, and all her letters t... ...her life. When he was gone she had nothing else to look after in life except herself. She was like a little seed, able to blow in the wind and go wherever she chose to go. Janies mind, spirit, and body were free. She pulled in her horizon like a great fish-net... and she called in her soul to come and see (Hurston p. ?).      Freedom is a central solution in these two novels. Freedom is a subjective concept and each person must ultimately find his or her own freedom in order to be truly free. The characters freedom often stems from other characters or events but is always a result of inner strength and will-power. The supporting characters or events act only to bring out the inner freedom and to empower that freedom. As Epictetus once said, He is free who lives as he chooses. And both these characters were finally able to live as they chose.

Genetic Interventions and the Ethics of Enhancement of Human Beings by

The evolution of engineering science has been hand in hand with the human subjugation of earth, but the question persists, when does the use of technology go too far? Advances in medical science have increased the average human lifespan and improved the quality of life for individuals. health check science and biology are steadily arriving at new ways to alter humans by the use of advanced genetic alteration. This technology gives face-lift to the question of how this new technology ought to be used, if at all. The idea of human enhancement is a very general topic, since humans are constantly enhancing themselves by means of the use of tools. In referring to human enhancement, I am referring specifically to the use of genetic intervention prior to birth. Julian Savulescu, in his, Genetic Interventions and the Ethics of sweetening of Human Beings, argues that it is not only permissible to intervene genetically, but is a morally incumbent on(predicate). In this paper, I will argue that it is not morally obligatory to intervene genetically even if such intervention may be permissible under certain criteria. I will show, in contrast to Savulescus view, that the moral obligation to intervene is not the same as the moral obligation to prevent and treat disease. In short, I will show that the expertness of humans to intervene genetically is not sufficient to establish a moral obligation.The first argument given for the obligation of genetic enhancement is the usurp of the Neglectful Parents. Savulescu considers the case of two types of parents, the neglectful parents and the lazy parents. The neglectful parents have a child that has a condition wherein a simple, cheap dietary concomitant must be given so that the child maintains an advanced intellect. ... ...ealth Organization. World Health Organization, 3 September 2007. Web. 4 Apr 2011. .Nordqvist , Christian. What Is Health? What Does Good Health meanspirited?. Medical News Today 21 May 2009 n. pag. Web. 1 Apr 2011. .Parens, Erik. Special Supplement Is Better Always Good? The Enhancement Project. Hastings Center enshroud 28.1 (1998) s1-s17. Web. 1 Apr 2011. .Parker, Michael. The Best Possible Child. Journal of Medical Ethics 33.5 (2007) 279-283. Web. 1 Apr 2011. .Savulescu, Julian. Genetic Interventions and the Ethics of Human Beings. Readings in the Philosophy of Technology. Ed. David Kaplan. 2nd ed. Lanham Roman & Littlefield, 2009. 417-430.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Wedding Speech - Best Woman or Maid of Honor :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Wedding Speech Best Woman or Maid of HonorI just want to tell Paula how honoured I am today to stand by your side on this special day.. On behalf of the bridesmaids and myself I just want to say how beautiful and radiant your look today, it unfeignedly has been a special day for all of us.Paula and I have been friends for a number of years now. Over the years, she has taught me the valuable lesson that friendship is the most important thing next to family. We have supported each other through good times and bad.I have many memories of wonderful times spent with Paula, as we all have. And will cherish them forever.The fondest memory I will now have is watching Paula marry her best friend, the sleep with of her life and companion.I love you both very much, you are two very dear friends to me. In the past year I have seen you both grow as individuals and thunder as a couple. Separately you both are very special, remarkable people, but together you are complete.

Wedding Speech - Best Woman or Maid of Honor :: Wedding Toasts Roasts Speeches

Wedding Speech Best Woman or Maid of HonorI just compliments to tell Paula how honoured I am today to stand by your side on this special day.. On behalf of the bridesmaids and myself I just want to say how beautiful and radiant your look today, it truly has been a special day for all of us.Paula and I begin been friends for a number of years now. oer the years, she has taught me the valuable lesson that friendship is the most important thing next to family. We have supported each other through good times and bad.I have many memories of wonderful times spent with Paula, as we all have. And will cherish them forever.The fondest memory I will now have is watching Paula draw her best friend, the love of her life and companion.I love you both very much, you are two very dear friends to me. In the past year I have seen you both grow as individuals and flourish as a couple. Separately you both are very special, remarkable people, but together you are complete.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Bugatti Research

This learning time choose the company of Bugatti because research into the companys process design and manufacturing process was done in previous classes and the team found the process that Bugatti uses to be interesting. The Bugatti name has been known made to order, high quality, fast spot cars since 1910. The original car produced by Ettore Bugatti was seen as an innovator in the design and quality of cars for that time. Today the Bugatti name, presently owned by Volkswagen, is still known for producing unique, made-to-order, high-quality automobiles.The Bugatti Company manufactures the high-performance sport car Veyron. The Veyron is available in scarcely a few trim levels. Bugatti uses the make-to-order system to produce it cars. As a result Bugatti only produce a few hundred automobiles a year. The Bugatti Veyron is a vehicle for the super-rich because of the price is over a million United States dollars. The most basic model is only one to two hundred thousand less. A vehicle costing that much has to come with the best technologies and features. The Veyron does not let the buyer down in any area of technology.Some unique features to the Veyron imply a rear spoiler that extends and retracts, depending on the speed of the vehicle. The spoiler is a vital safety component of the Veyron. The Veyrons engine produces more than 1000 horsepower and the engineers at Bugatti designed the spoiler to flip up and act like an air-brake found on airplanes. When the brakes are applied the spoiler assist with the fish fillet the vehicle at high speeds. Another unique feature of the Veyron is the 10 radiators used to cool down different components in the engine.The purchasing and manufacturing of a Bugatti is the perfect(a) example of lean production, which eliminates waste in the process and purchasing cycle time. Bugatti eliminates waste during production and purchasing. The process is like no other vehicle that is made-to-order. A Bugattis purchase is similar but mo re stringent than the process of buying a home, but with more prestige. To purchase a Bugatti the buyer has to mount for the automobile, the application is submitted to a French security firm for a thorough background check to ensure the applicants worth and liquidity.Because of the limited certifiable buyers, Bugatti allocates little money for advertising, promoting, and marketing of the automobiles. Instead of promotions, Bugatti invest in shipping demonstrator vehicles to the driveway of selected prospective buyers that have passed background checks. Bugatti in like manner allocates money to fall in top race-car drivers to deliver vehicles to the perspective buyers. One of the unique items in the manufacturing process of Bugatti is in the indoor leather.The entire manufacturing process of a Bugatti is unique in a sense because an absolute advantage concept is applied. In a sense is used because Bugatti selects suppliers of an aristocratic nature to manufacture their product but spares no expenses. The interior leather is interesting because it is made by Hermes, known for handbags, over competitors like Luis Vuitton or Versace. Researched revealed a relationship dating back to the 1920s between the Hermes and Bugatti families. Hermes has evermore made luxury leather that complements the Bugatti name.The Bugatti name has and continues to stand for speed and quality. The made-to-order system and lean production process has made the reputation of Bugatti stay untroubled since the start in 1920. When the Volkswagen Company purchased the Bugatti name in 1998, they promised to live up to the standards of the founder Ettore Bugatti. The unique design and features continues to make the automobiles different from their competitors. The unique design and features also only make the Bugatti attainable only for the rich and famous.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Stress Urinary Incontinence

Stress urinary Incontinence Jordin Lang West Coast University Urinary Incontinence is defined as leakage of urine that is involuntary. Stress Urinary Incontinence is involuntary urine leakage that is due to weakened pelvic taradiddle muscles. It is most commonly found to be a greater problem in women. Estimates say that upwards of 35% of women 65 and older experience whatsoever form of urinary incontinence. Stress incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine that happens because of physical activity, like coughing, sneezing, laughing, or exercise.The strength of the pelvic to a lower placestructure muscles is inadequate to check the urinary tract under pressure. The anatomy of the urinary system involved in continence in women includes the vesica, urethra, pelvic floor muscles and sphincter. Urine is stored in the bladder which fills like a balloon to accommodate up to two cups of urine. When a woman urinates the muscles surrounding the bladder contract to squeeze the urine out . Pelvic floor muscles support the uterus, bladder and rectum. There are also many nerves near of which send the signal to the brain that one needs to urinate.What occurs with accentuate urinary incontinence is that the sphincter and pelvic floor muscles when weakened cannot support the closure of the urethra when increased pressure from the abdomen occurs. Such as coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising. (Medlineplus extend incontinence, 2011) Many women under the age of 65 let out issues with filter urinary incontinence following pregnancy and childbirth. Vaginal deliveries and episiotomies often result in stress urinary incontinence that is temporary and frequently clears up o its own within six weeks following delivery.In addition to pregnancy and childbirth some women may experience stress urinary incontinence during menopause. Estrogen keeps the lining of the bladder and pelvic floor plump and healthy, when estrogen decreases during menopause, some women may develop mi ld urinary incontinence a result. Risk factors for developing stress urinary incontinence include, being female, childbirth, increasing age, chronic coughing such as occurs with chronic bronchitis and asthma, multiple childbirths, obesity and smoking. (Merkmanual Polyuria, 2011)Diagnosis of stress urinary incontinence is made afterward assessment of symptoms and in some women a pelvic tryout will reveal the bladder or urethra bulging into the vaginal space. Tests may possibly include cystoscopy (inspection of the interior of the bladder), a pad test, pelvic or abdominal ultrasound and tests to measure post-void residual (amount of urine left after urination). Urinalysis is usually performed as well in order to conclusively happen out urinary tract infection. Health care providers may also perform a q-tip test to measure the angling of the urinary tract when resting and under pressure.An angle of greater than 30 degrees suggests significant pelvic floor weakening. There are three major modes of treatment for stress urinary incontinence. The first is pelvic floor muscle training and behavioral changes such as smoking cessation, losing weight and abstaining from alcohol and excess caffeine. Medications such as anticholinergic drugs, antimuscarinic drugs that block bladder contractions, alpha adrenergic agonist drugs also have been known to aid in the tautness of the urinary sphincter muscles. Surgery is often only indicated after all other treatments have failed.Anterior vaginal repair and retropubic repair are most common surgeries to treat severe stress urinary incontinence. (Medlineplus stress incontinence, 2011) Stress Urinary incontinence is surely a troublesome and perhaps embarrassing ailment. An ailment that can most definitely can interfere with a patients quality of life. With proper medical treatment, prognosis is generally good. References Medlineplus stress incontinence. (2011). Retrieved from http//www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/ency/article/0008 91. htm Merkmanual Polyuria. (2011). Retrieved from

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Informatica Paramter File

Using logical argument file Using Workflow and Session argumentation File Simultaneously causation Amit Singh Yadav Date written 18/01/10 Declaration I/We hereby declare that this document is based on my/our personal experiences and/or experiences of my/our project members. To the high hat of my/our knowledge, this document does not contain any material that infringes the copyrights of any other individual or organization . Amit Singh Yadav Target readers All Keywords Informatica Parameter File, $PMMergeSessParamFile, work flow, informatica, parametric quantity file, seance, link up filesThe Challenge Using Parameter file The challenge is to use session take aim logical argument file and work flow level parameter file at the same time. The problem being that when you define a workflow parameter file and a session parameter file for a session at heart the workflow, the Integration Service uses the workflow parameter file, and ignores the session parameter file. Session Para meter File It contains session parameters which contain values that can change from session to session, such as database connectors or file names. PMSessionLogFile and $ParamName are user-defined session parameters. Also variables that we use in source queries like date criterion e. g. $$Lastrun Workflow Parameter File It contains workflow level parameters. For example, you can use a workflow variable in a Decision labour to determine whether the previous task ran properly. In a workflow, $TaskName. PrevTaskStatus is a predefined workflow variable and $ $SessionName is a user-defined workflow variable. Problem Statement Using both session and workflow level parameter file.First let me tell you why we need both the parameter files in our workflow. Recently we decided to use third party scheduling tool, Workload passenger car (WLM), scheduling product by CA Inc. WLM schedules jobs across platforms e. g. dependent jobs across Informatica, teradata, UNIX MF can be scheduled together. instanter the requirement of this scheduler is that 1. You need to have a bun in the oven a scheduler level parameter file with all the sessions names used in the workflow. 2. You need to use this same parameter file as workflow level parameter file in your workflow.The problem we faced was that our current situation is The sql query in our sessions is select * from where date $ $lastrun. We have a session level parameter file and every time the session runs it picks $$lastrun from the session parameter file. At the end of the session a script is run which updates the $$lastrun with todays date so that next time when the session is run it picks up data for dates $$lastrun. This is how our session level parameter files looks $ more mStaging_PCare. parm Using Parameter file s_mStaging_PCare $$lastrun=2009-12-20 ? session_name - ? Lastrun dateNow if a workflow level parameter file is used, the variable $$lastrun will have to be acknowledgmented in the workflow parameter file. And If we will mention $$lastrun there, then Informatica will pick up the date from the workflow parameter file, while the session level parameter file variable, $$lastrun, will be updated by a script in the session so, we need something through which we can use both workflow and session parameter file. Solution There is a very useful property in Informatica called $PMMergeSessParamFile which when direct to TRUE will force Informatica to read both session and workflow parameter file.What we did was we created a spick-and-span workflow parameter file with the all the sessions name in it and for every session we have furbish up $PMMergeSessParamFile=TRUE. Now when workflow runs it looks for $$lastrun in workflow parameter file and when it does not find the value there, it looks for $ $lastrun in session parameter file. It gets the value there and session succeeds. In the end the script updates the session level parameter file with todays date. In this way we were able to use both 1. W orkflow level parameter file which was the requirement of WLM. 2.Session train parameter file which was required by our session since the script updates session level parameter file and we did not wanted to change the script. This is how our new workflow level parameter files looks $ more PCare_Staging_WLM. par s_mStaging_PCare ? Session Name -? parameterized connection $DBConnectionSource=Tera_ETL_VIEWS_NE $PMMergeSessParamFile=TRUE ? Property set to true Using Parameter file later using this parameter file Informatica will pick up connection name from the above parameter file and $$lastrun from session parameter file since $PMMergeSessParamFile is set to TRUE.This is what was required. Usage 1. 2. This property will allow users to use both session and workflow level parameter file at same time. Like in the scenario above. Suppose there are sessions which are based on Incremental logic i. e. Session level parameter file is automatically created by UNIX script. Now if users wants to have parameterized connections for such sessions then either they need to change their script which generates parameter file or they can simple use $PMMergeSessParamFile and mention parameterized connection names at workflow level parameter file. . If users want a workflow to run two concurrent instances. If two workflows use same set of re-usable sessions then it helps in making parameter file names parameterized. It removes hard coding of parameter file name from sessions. For more details please uphold Informatica help section. Path given below. Parameter Files Configuring the Parameter File Name and Location References Informatica Help Guide

Friday, May 24, 2019

Siberin Tigers

Panthera tigris altaica, develop know as the Siberian or the Amur tiger lives primarily in eastern Russia, and a few atomic number 18 constitute in northeastern China and northern North Korea. It is estimated that one hundred fifty to cc tigers come finished today in the wild. in that location are roughly 490 Siberian tigers that are managed in zoos world wide, and an unknown number as to how many exist privately. In this century alone, the Siberian tiger has managed to survive four wars, two revolutions, and now the brutal slaughter on their forests. Wild tigers exist in Asiatic countries China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal,By this IUCN status this animal is considered to be Critical, its numbers in the wild have fluctuated from an incredibly low 24 tigers in the 1940s to what IUCN now estimates is 150 to 200 in 1994. There are only three protected areas for these tigers in Russia-the Sikhote-Alin (3,47 0 km2), Lazovsky (1,165 km2), and Kedrovaya Pad (178 km2) Reserves-inland from the Sea of Japan in the Russian Far East.There have been sightings of these magnificent animals in Changbaishan, near the Chinese b enact, were it was reported in a Chinese newspaper in 1990, and some are still found along the Russian border. The Cat Specialist Group suggests that thither are probably fewer than 50 Siberian tigers in China. It is widely believed that the tigers in Russia provide define the future of the species. The other(a) sites are too small to harbor tiger populations large enough for the survival of the species.The Law of the Russian Federation on Environmental Protection and Management of 1992 gave the Siberian tiger legal protection that they deserved. Despite the law of protection, poaching has received a considerable amount of guardianship in the press today. Authorities say that the killing of tigers is a new enterprise. One reason for the poaching is traditional Chinese medi cine. The captive program for Siberian tigers is the largest and longest managed program for any of the subspecies. The Siberian tiger is one of the models for the creation of scientifically managed programs for species in captivity. This program takes place globally in zoos and aquariums.According to the 1994 external Tiger Studbook there are around 490 Siberian tigers managed in zoos 226 of them in Europe, 151 in North America, 93 in Japan, and about(predicate) 20 more disconnected among Asian zoos. This captive population is descended from 83 wild-caught founders. For the most part, the Siberian tiger is considered secure in captivity. With the large genetically diverse gene pool that exists, these animals are considered to be a stable population.The Siberian tigers are the heaviest subspecies, the larger tigers weighting at 500 and more or 225-kg. With the males being heavier than the females, like many other species. The lightest subspecies is the Sumatran these males weigh at about 250 pounds or 110 kg and the females at around 200 pounds or 90 kg. In order to obtain and maintain this weight these cats have to eat large masses of food, every day. A wild tiger can eat over 60 pounds of meat at one siting. . Despite the tigers great power and accurate senses, it dedicates a lot of time to hunting, because only one in ten hunting are calculated to be successful. It mainly preys on deer or wild pig, and fish providing it can catch them.Depending on the subspecies, the head-body continuance of these tigers is about 41/2 to 9 feet or 1.4-2.8 m. the length of the tail is 3 to 4 feet or 90-120 cm. The footpads vary in surface with the age of the animal. This leads to unfaithful estimates when used it in counting the animals in wild populations. This magnificent animal carries the Chinese mark of Wang or king on the forehead.Tigers have round pupils and lily-livered irises, excluding the blue eyes of white tigers. The tigers have evolved to better vision a t night. Due to a retinal adaptation that reflects light back to the retina. This provides to be effectual when hunting at night. Tigers have excellent Binocular and color vision. At night, the tiger can see well over 6 times better than humans. The length of a Tigers tail is 3 to 4 feet long, about half as long as its body. They use their tails for balance when running through fast turns. Tigers also use their tails to communicate with other tigers.Like domestic cats, tiger claws are retractable. Like many other animals tigers mark there territory. Tigers mark their territories by spraying bushes and trees with a mixture of urine and scent gland secretions. They will also leave scratch marks on trees. The size of a tigers territory depends on the amount of food available, and usually ranges from about 10 to 30 square miles or 26-78 sq. km. Siberian tigers sometimes have signally large territories, this can be as large as 120 square miles. Although tigers usually live alone, thei r territories can overlap. A male tigers territory usually overlaps those of several female tigers.No one knows exactly why tigers have striped, but some scientists think that the stripes act as camouflage, and aid in tigers hunt from their prey. The Sumatran tiger has the most stripes of all the tiger subspecies, and the Siberian tiger has the fewest stripes. Tiger stripes are much like human fingerprints no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes.Tiger cubs are born blind and weigh only about 2 to 3 pounds or 1 kg, respective to the subspecies. They live on their generates milk for 6-8 weeks before the female begins taking them hunting to eat. Tigers fully developed canines in about 16 months of age, but they do not begin making their own kills until about 18 months of age. Young tigers live with their mother until they are two to three years old, then they find their own territories to occupy.The average life span of tigers in the wild is thought to be about 10 years. Tiger s that are brought up in zoos can live twice as long or longer. Unlike some other large cats, with child(p) tigers prefer to live their lives in solitude. Except for mothers tigers who take care of their cubs. This is partly due to the fact a single tiger has a better chance sneaking up and bouncing its prey, more efficiently than a large group of tigers could.These animals and many other animals like them should be reserved. No other living creature surpasses their beauty. As this picture illustrates these animals were truly the masters of their domain. Before humans came and destroyed their homes. This cat is one of the most powerful cats in the world. Weighting in at 500 and change this animal can tear though its prey, like a hot knife though butter.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Earthquakes & Subduction Zones Lab Report

Earthquakes and Subduction Zones Lab Amy Paret Mrs. Igo 9th Grade Periods 3 and 4 Even Date 2/14/13 Background Research This lab uses quake information to construct profiles of cardinal convergent boundaries the Tonga infringe and the Peru-Chile impinge. Where cardinal tectonic exfoliations converge, if one or both of the plates is an oceanic lithosphere, a subduction zone will form. When archness is formed at a mid-ocean ridge, it is hot and buoyant meaning it has a low density. As it spreads away from the ridge and cools and contracts, or be sum ups denser, it is able to sink into the hotter inherent mantle.When two oceanic plates collide, the younger of the two plates, because it is little dense will ride over the edge of the older plate. The density of the rock that makes up the subducting plate determines the way in which a plate be shake ups. A plate with a greater density subducts into the mantle sudden and at a bluff cant than a plate with a lower density. The te rm of the gall involved in the subduction also affects the rate at which it subducts. Older crust is cooler and denser accordingly it suducts at a steeper angle and faster than new crust at a subduction zone.The three key features associated with a subduction zone are a deep ocean trench, a volcanic arc on the overriding plate parallel to the trench, and a plane of earthquakes, shallow near the trench and go beneath and beyond the volcanic arc. Most earthquakes occur at tectonic plate boundaries. The largest earthquakes are associated with subduction zones because they have long continuous fault lines. The depth of its taper can classify an earthquake. Earthquake depth range is divided into three zones shallow, intermediate, and deep.Shallow earthquakes are mingled with 0 to 70 km deep, intermediate earthquakes are between 70 to 300 km deep, and deep focus earthquakes have foci at more than 300 km. Terms Introduced and Defined Subduction zone the place where two lithospheric pl ates come together, one riding over the otherwise Density mass per unit volume Earthquake the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earths crust that draws seismic waves. Subduction the process in which one plate is pushed downward beneath another plate into the underlying mantle when plates move towards each other plateful boundaries found at the edge of the lithospheric plates and are of three types, convergent, divergent and transform Deep ocean trench a portion of the Earths crust in which a tectonic plate is being sub-ducted (pushed down) below another plate Shallow earthquake more damaging than deeper earthquakes due to there being less rock to absorb the shaking Deep focus earthquakes occur within the subducting oceanic plates as they move beneath the continental plates HypothesisThe tocopherol peaceable leap out Material at the two convergent boundaries the Tonga deep and the Peru-Chile ditch is older than the crust created at the East Pacific Rise but the Tonga Trench material is older than the Peru-Chili Trench material. Materials Earthquakes and Subduction Zones Lab Sharpened pencil with eraser Graphing Paper Ruler Calculator Procedure 1. Take taboo a sharpened pencil, ruler, lily-white sheet of represent paper, and a calculator. 2. Pick up the earthquakes and subduction zones lab from your teacher. 3. Read the background information. 4.Read the hypothesis information. 5. View Figure 1 at the top of the Lab. 6. discrepancy a hypothesis nearly the relative ages of the East Pacific Rise material at the two convergent boudaries the Tonga Trench and the Peru-Chile Trench. 7. View table 1. 8. appoint your graph paper into two divides. 9. Label the left over(p) ingredient Tonga Trench and the right section Peru-Chili Trench 10. fall a good line (y-axis) and a horizontal line (x-axis) on each section of the graph paper. 11. Label both good lines (y-axes) Focus Depth (km). 12. Label both horizontal lines (x-axes) Longitude (W). 13.On both sections of the graph paper (Tonga Trench and Peru-Chile Trench) create a scale for the vertial axis (focus depth) ranging from 0-700 km. Going by intervals of 50 km, trail zero at the top of the y-axis and 700 at the bottom of the y-axis. 14. On the left section of the graph paper (Tonga Trench) create a scale for the horizontal axis (longitude) ranging from 173-180 W. Going by intervals of 1W, label the right end of the x-axis 173 and the left end of the x-axis 180. 15. On the right section of the graph paper (Peru-Chile Trench) create a scale for the horizonal axis (longitude) ranging from 61-71 W.Going by intervals of 1W, label the right end of the x-axis 61 and the left end of the x-axis 71. 16. Plot the earthquake selective information from the region associated with the Tonga Trench from Table 1 on the left section of the graph paper, utilise a dot to represent each data point. 17. Plot the earthquake data from the region associated with the Peru-Chile Trenc h from Table 1 on the right section of the graph paper, using a dot to represent each data point. 18. Draw a best-fit line for the Tonga Trench data. A best fit line is a smooth line that shows the trend of the data the line does not have to pass through the data points. 19.Draw a best fit line for the Peru-Chili Trench. 20. On the left look of the graph (Tonga Trench) label the Pacific Plate (right side of the line of best fit) and the Indian Australian Plate (left side of the line of best fit) 21. Draw an arrow to show the direction of motion of the Pacific Plate (subducting under the Indian Australian Plate) 22. On the right side of the graph (Peru-Chile Trench) label the Nazca Plate (left side of the line of best fit) and the South American Plate (right side of the line of best fit) 23. Draw an arrow to show the direction of motion of the Nazca Plate (subducting under the South American Plate) 24.Complete psychoanalyse questions 1-5 (4 & 5 completed in steps 20-23) 25. Check and analyze your hypothesis 26. Answer conclude and apply questions 1-2 Preparing a Lab Report The lab report is to be written in the same format as any scientific publication. There is to be 5 minumum sections and they should be labeled Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Literature Cited. The report must be composed on a article processor, printed, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font. The metric system should be used throughout the report. All parts of the report should be written using complete sentences in paragraph format.The first section of your lab report should be labeled with the word Introduction. This section can be used to rail the reader so he or she can understand the rest of the report. A hypothesis is proposed to explain an observation. It should be a statement, not a question. The attached section is labeled Methods. This section should provide enough information for readers to repeat the experiment if they desire. It should include the sp ecific procedures and materials needed to carry out the lab. The next section should be labeled Results. Put all results, statistical analyses, graphs, and tables in this section.Use sentences and paragraphs to describe general trends and summarize the tables and graphs. The next section should be labeled Discussion. In this section discuss whether you accept or reject your hypotheses and explain why. If you reject a hypothesis, state an alternative. Explain why your results came out the way they did. If your results did not come out as they expected, explain why and what should have happened. In addition, explain what your results mean. The last section is Literature Cited. Everything mentioned in a scientific publication should be varifiable.This helps readers that have questions and it ensures that the information presented is accurate. The literature cited section contains a list of publications that you cited in the report. Instructions on Using a Table, Setting Up, and Prep aring a Graph To begin put on a blank sheet of graph paper. View Table 1, which includes the Longitude and Focus depths of the earthquakes at the Tonga Trench and Peru-Chile Trench. Divide the graph paper into two sections labeling the left side Tonga Trench and the right side Peru-Chile Trench. Draw a vertical line (y-axis) and horizontal line (x-axis) on each section of the graph paper.Label both vertical lines (y-axes) Focus Depth (km) and label both horizontal lines (x-axes) Longitude (W). On both sections of the graph paper (Tonga Trench and Peru Chile Trench), create a scale for the vertical axes (focus depth) ranging from 0-700 km. Going by intervals of 50, label zero at the top of the y-axis and 700 at the bottom of the y-axis. On the left section of the graph paper (Tonga Trench) create a scale for the horizontal axis (longitude) ranging from 173-180 W. Going by intervals of 1, label the right end of the x-axis 173 and the left end of the x-axis 180.On the right section of the graph paper (Peru-Chile Trench) create a scale for the horizontal axis (longitude) ranging from 61-71 W. Going by intervals of 1, label the right end of the x-axis 61 and the left end of the x-axis 71. Plot the earthquake data from the region associated with Tonga Trench on the left section of the graph paper, and plot the earthquake data from the region associated with the Peru-Chili Trench on the right section of the graph paper, using a dot to represent each point. Data and Results Pacific Plate Pacific Plate Indian-Australian Plate Indian-Australian Plate South American PlateSouth American Plate Nazca Plate Nazca Plate Analysis and Synthesis 1. Question How far is the Tonga Trench from the East Pacific Rise? Note that one degree longitude equals about 100 km. If the seafloor spreads at 3 cm/year, how long would it take material on the plate to travel this distance? Answer The Tonga Trench is 6,500 km from the East Pacific Rise. If the seafloor spreads at 3 cm/year, it would take material 216. 67 million years to travel this distance. Work 65W = 65 x 100 km = 6,500 km. 6,500 km x 100,000 cm = 650,000,000 cm 650,000,000 cm / 3 cm/year = 216,666,667 years 2.Question What is the depth of the deepest earthquake in the Tonga data set? Estimate the rate of descent of the East Pacific Rise material at the Tonga Trench in centimeters per year. Answer The depth of the deepest earthquake in the Tonga data set is 675 km. The rate of descent of the East Pacific Rise material at the Tonga Trench in centimeters per year is 0. 312 cm/year. Work 675 km x 100,000 cm = 67,500,000 R = 67,500,000 cm / 216,666,667 years R = 0. 312 cm/year 3. Question Estimate the rate of descent of East Pacific Rise material into the Peru-Chile Trench in centimeters per year. Answer 5W = 45 x 100 km = 4,500 km 4,500 km x 100,000 cm = 45,000,000 cm 450,000,000 km / 3 cm/year = 150,000,000 years 540 km x 100,000 cm = 54,000,000 cm R = 54,000,000 cm/ 150,000,000 years R = 0. 36 cm/year Interp ret and Explain Data The data represents the focus depths and longitudes (W) of the earthquakes that occur at the Peru-Chile Trench subduction zone, and the Tonga Trench subduction zone. On the Tonga Trench as longitude (W) increases, or moves pull ahead from the ready meridian, the focus depth also increases, or becomes deeper. This creates a steeper slope, and the line appears to be moving upwards.On the Peru-Chile Trench as longitude (W) increases, or moves further from the prime meridian, decreases, or becomes shallower. This creates a smoother slope that appears to be moving downwards. On the Tonga Trench graph, the best-fit line is an estimate of the location of the bourne between the Pacific Plate and the Indian-Australian Plate. The Pacific Plate is subducting, or moving under the Indian-Australian Plate as this plate overrides the Pacific Plate. On the Peru-Chile Trench graph, the best-fit line is an estimate of the location of the boundary between the Nazca Plate and th e South American Plate.The Nazca Plate is subducting, or moving under the South American Plate as this plate overrides the Nazca Plate. The Peru-Chile Trench and Tonga Trench have similar earthquake focus depths (km), but the longitude (W) of these earthquakes is different. Summary of Data As two tectonic plates converge, if one or both of the plates is an oceanic lithosphere, a subduction zone will form. The Tonga Trench has a steeper profile than the Peru-Chile Trench. This is because older crust is cooler and denser than younger crust therefore it subducts at a steeper angle.The Tonga Trench has the steeper and older material. As observed from the charts, the Tonga Trench has a steeper profile than the Peru-Chile Trench. This means that the crust at the Tonga Trench is older and denser than the crust at the Peru-Chile Trench, therefore it subducts faster and at a steeper angle. The density of the rock that makes up the subducting plate determines they way in that a plate behaves. A plate with a greater density subducts into the mantle faster and at a steeper angle than a plate with a lower density.The age of the crust involved in the subduction also affects the rate at which it subducts. Older crust is cooler and denser therefore it subducts at a steeper angle and faster than new crust at a subduction zone. Conclusion Check Your Hypothesis My data supports my hypothesis. I predicted that the East Pacific Rise material at the two convergent boundaries the Tonga Trench and the Peru-Chile Trench is older than the crust created at the East Pacific Rise but the Tonga Trench material is older than the Peru-Chile Trench.This is true because the Tonga Trench and Peru-Chile Trench will have older material, as they are further away from where the crust is created. In addition, it is true that Tonga Trench has older material than the Peru-Chile Trench because it has a steeper slope, which means it is older and denser. Errors and Fixes In this lab report, I researched more on my background information to enhance my understanding of the topic. In addition, I explained and analyzed my data to make it easier to understand the trends and what the data actually means.I also provided instructions on using a table of data, setting up, and preparing a graph, and preparing a lab report. The errors I had in my lab report were with the math work on the first three analyze questions, the direction in which the plates subducted, and my hypothesis did not clearly state an answer to my question. I revised these errors by paying attention in class as the math problems were reviewed as this gave me a breach understanding of how to solve the problems correctly.In addition, I had the direction of which the Pacific Plate moves against the Indian-Australian plate as moving upward, but since the plate is being subducted under the Indian-Australian plate I changed the direction to downwards. Lastly, I revised my hypothesis by correctly stating the question asked which was to compare the relative ages of the East Pacific Rise material at the two convergent boundaries the Tonga Trench and the Peru-Chile Trench. In my original hypothesis, I only stated the relative age of the East Pacific Rise material.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Future of software engineering Essay

The term Softw be Engineering implies a literal meaning of the chemical mechanism and the engineering aspects of building and deploying a softw are or program. However, the topic of this makeup is to justify and explain the afterlife support that governing bodyal goals ass get in the formations toyings. The paper bequeath be presenting the aspects of software engineering as a tool for helping organizations takeing their goals. The area selected for this paper is Decision Support Systems i. e. the importance and suitability of such systems will be discussed as the time to come of software engineering.Decision support systems (DSS) will be delineate in greater detail in the accompeverying sections and their advantages and disadvantages will be highlighted in the final chapter. It is important to none that DSSs are under- employd in the origination in terms of quantity as nearly as efficiency. There are very few organizations in the world that house a in full up-and- estab lishing DSS and use it extensively for the purpose of analyzing and summarizing information. The logical details of a DSS are also laid down in this paper that can lead to the sex act of such systems with our topic and justify their future uses in achieving organizational goals and objectives.The aim where DSS operate is also hearty- variantiated and the general misconceptions held ab aside these systems are also explained to avoid confusions and break-dance their real job and workings. CHAPTER 2 Decision Support Systems are those systems that form an organization the edge in qualification terminations and understanding info by making it meaningful in a presentable and summarized output. These systems assist in the general decision making they do not make or propose the decisions, as is the general misconception about them.Their job is to gather data, growth it in pre-defined formats, accomp each related information and present in an easy-to-read and user-fri endly format . These systems basically cater to the need of the executives who do not possess enough conviction to read all source data and need the top view of figures or data in pose to shape up decisions. Thus, DSS conspire data and fulfill management needs by using modeling software and/or simulation to conjure reports and ad hoc queries consuming up data and peeled accompaniments and churning out meaningful information and figures.There is no restriction on the organization level on which a DSS can be installed and similarly a DSS can cater to a innovation of organizational needs and objectives from all levels within the organization (Marakas, 2002). DSS are systems that take in raw circumstances and figures, process them, analyze and summarize those figures providing the top view or the synopsis of that entire data set. promptly it should be understood that the data taken by a DSS for analyzing purpose is not the basic data contained in organizational tables and files. In fact, t his data is subdivisionially tasteful it is the output from a Management Reporting System (MRS).An MRS is used to generate grouped reports at the Operational level (Marakas, 1998). An example would include the hours worked by separately employee during a particular month. It should be understood that there is no bias or conditional filter used in disseminating the data proved by an MRS. Hence, the DSS is halcyon enough to lay its hands on data that is predominantly raw and organized. This leads to significant time saves in terms of organizing data by understanding its relevance and scope. An MRS produced report has a narrow scope (Marakas, 1998).However, DSS reports and documents are more long-lasting and can be used for future referencing. In fact, a DSS is used to produce summaries of work over time periods defined by the management or automatically set. These reports are then archived and are useful in individualal analysis of trends and performance. DSS assist management in doing Trend-Analysis, forecasting and taking decisions based on the analyzed results (Holsapple and Whinston, 1996). It should be stressed again that the primary purpose of these systems is to gather data, organize it and produce analytical views that management can use in fuelling their decisional justifications.The main idea of a DSS being installed is that it can get its data from a potpourri of sources and still produce one summary useful for the decision. This means that coachs no longer need to look at three or four different reports and spend hours trying to make sense out of them. A single composite report created by an intelligent system such as a DSS can help save time, productivity and make decision making timely and effective. This is the main aim and function of a DSS to provide summarized and timely data for analytical purposes grouped into well-defined areas for inference (Marakas, 2002).The reporting format of a DSS is highly flexible. It can be structured or un structured depending on the scenario, the person being reported to and the situation where the reporting is to be carried out. Although the question about the type of report is a secondary issue, the primary concern is the type of decision that can be taken using a DSS. Here again, no restrictions or barricades on the of decision, which can be anything between structured and unstructured, including a cross (semi-structured). DSS possess the capability to analyze data in four distinctive ways (Marakas, 2002)1. What-If Analysis Changing a variable and analyzing its effects on otherwise dependent variables in the same time or work domain. 2. Sensitivity Analysis Keeping all variables constant, except one, and noting down its individualistic effects on the output. 3. Goal-seeking Analysis Opposite of What-If. It is done by setting the goal and expression at what changes need to be done to reach that goal. 4. Optimization Analysis development constraints defined by the management, it seeks for a possible set of solutions or optimizations DSS are intelligent data processors, not data creators.Without input data, DSS cannot perform any illative tasks. Just like a car is useless without fuel, irregardless of the model and functions, a DSS, however much efficient and strong, is useless without input data and raw facts that are impediment for the decision-making and analysis purposes. CHAPTER 3 A Decision Support System is primarily for the tactical level in an organization, nevertheless it can well adapt to the other levels. It can be even be used in a hybrid of levels gathering data from one level, analyzing it and reporting it to other level.In this way, a DSS can contribute towards organizational objectives very aptly (Thompson, 1999). The fully functional DSSs in The world are a strong consideration of the fact that a DSS can really help a company to overcome its Information Reporting problems and become a leading firm in is business on the basis of the jobs performed by a DSS enabling workforce efficiency and authorisation. The DSS works on the principle of arranging data so that inferences can be made as quickly and as easily as possible.Imagine the future corporate world without a DSS. A weary manager leading a bored, monotonous workforce that is dilapidated with the over burdening of compiling data from every nook and corner and making it meaningful and presentable to their bosses (Thompson, 1999). A DSS allows for the generation of routine reports as easy as it is to click on the Print button. The fact that a DSS allows for repeatable, routine and scheduled reports to be produced without the interference of any person makes its usage and relevance even more pronounced.The application of a DSS transforms greatly the way in which an organization works to achieve its organizational goals. reckon the example of 4 workers divided in a hierarchical manner striving for the collection of data and organizing it. After this organizing, th is data is given to another 2 workers who then process it and present it to the management. With a DSS in place, the job definitions change single 1 worker from the upper hierarchy is required to monitor formats and give commands timely.Another worker is needed to key in the data, as it is automatically organized. This reduces the job for 3 lower workers and 1 upper worker. You might say, bad. But looking on the brighter side, these 4 employees forces and skills can be polished on another branch say, the grocerying department (Marakas, 2002). Now that brings the organization more closely and fast to fulfilling its short-term goals, which are just a break-down of the overall long-term goals. DSS allow for Business Process Re-engineering.This means that a DSS can be enforced for a key strategy or technical change in the methodologies and the system specifications f the current work methods and practices. This may sound too subjective to be understood in a practical corporate envir onment. How do several firms manage a turnaround in their sales and efficiency by memory the same bunch of employees, the same size of plants, marketing strategies and same old buyers? The answer is Business Process Re-engineering (Marakas, 1998).This means changing the old ways or trading them with new ones that are according to the practices required by the DSS implementation. A classic example is the retailer who did not have any inventory apply and alarm system and was often low in certain inventory when it was high and demand and had excess of another when its season was off. After the implementation of a DSS, it was able to act an alarm system that gave beeps when certain inventory levels receded no this conception is false. It was actually a reporting system that could use sales data and produce individualistic item reports.It simply meant that the retailer could now generate reports on the sales of his individual items on his list and compare it with what he pass judgment each item to spend in his store. After looking at a couple or more reports, he can, ideally, identify the general time each type of grocery took to be sold and the time periods when certain inventory was needed and what was the best time to hold up more inventories considering the future aspects. One might argue as to the effectiveness of such a DSS as described above and point out the costs involved in setting up a DSS.But, believe me, in the long run, there will be a point where the decisions made using the information churned out by the DSS will result in significant cost savings and greater sales for the retailer since the retailer will now be having a fairer idea of each type of inventory and the time it took for it to be converted into sales. It is worth noting, that there was no change of inventory, marketing, employees or shop only the DSS was implemented and BPR was carried out that lead to the retailer creeping more steadily towards his personal goals.Competition is the k ey for survival in todays world, be it any industry. Globalization has meted out a strong barrier to entry for smaller firms into the global market and the existing big fishes are also finding it enceinte to compete with global giants. Here, comes the need and advantage of a DSS. A DSS makes it possible for an organization to keep its maintain its grip on the market as well as blesses new entrants with the opportunity to seize the market share from big giants on the basis of the reporting system they use. What do all companies have in common?Reporting that leads to Decision making. And what is the basic job of a DSS? Information organization and Reporting. So why not combine something needy with something that can fulfill the formers needs. Common sense and simple logic make it more than evident that a DSS is best suited for the achieving of organizational goals and objectives. This logic can be derived from the fact that quicker and more effective decisions fuelled by organized in formation will lead to strategic edges in competition and success (Marakas, 2002).History has borne testimony to the fact that often big giants in the market look to buying up small ventures in the market owe to them posing serious threats to their future goals and survival. Now the question that lies here is what makes these small ventures so important in the eyes of big companies in that they regard them as threats, given the difference in their sizes and market shares? It must be the technology specifically DSS and Expert Systems. While discussing the latter is beyond the scope and requirement of this paper, I would like to reinstate the use of DSS in the meeting of organizational goals and objectives.As a final bow, I would like to re-emphasize the fact that the tried-and-tested formula of the implementation of a DSS to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in company goal achieving capabilities has never been proved wrong in any major investment and changeover. Thus, we can safe ly assert that a DSS is essentially a valuable contributor and facilitator towards the achievement of organizational goals and objectives in a timely and successful manner (Marakas, 1998). CHAPTER 4In compendium, I would like to end my discussion with the futuristic advantages as well as the disadvantages a DSS holds. Generally speaking, there are more visible advantages of a DSS than disadvantages owing to their easy-to-use nature and the variety of jobs they can perform. The most important advantage of a DSS is the use of data and producing a timely report that can be used to justify and watch organizational decisions. On a futuristic outlook, time will become more and more scarcer and decisions will have to me made more quickly if they are to have any impact.If managers are left doodling over 300 files to understand a trend and then make a decision then it is highly likely that at the end of the day, the company will be losing out to businesses using DSSs (Holsapple and Whinsto n, 1996). This is due to the high level of automatic dissemination and organization of data done by a DSS that enables it to cater to the format and the needs of specific informational roles and managerial positions. The flexibility of a DSS will allow its extensive future use for organizational goals.A DSS does not mean a system that only produces analytical reports and stops. There is more to it. The DSS also records the decisions made and stores results of decisions and retrieves such data for future decision making purposes. An example would be when a manager was in a problem to decide on price cuts in order to remain competitive. The manager did not cut the price, and soon enough, there was a 65% sales cut. Instantly, the management decided to cut the prices but were still only able to recover just 60% of the lost sales.Slowly, they progressed, lucky enough not to go out of business. In the future, when a similar situation persists, the DSS will show the past decision along wit h the outcome. It is important to note here also, that in line with our past definitions of a DSS being a decision facilitator, not a decision maker, the DSS will just provide the course of action taken previously, and will not propose the manager to take the step of moorage prices as it had lead to a worsening period for the company.The decision still lies at the hands of the manager who can again decide to retain prices owing to a difference of situation or other factors. The variety of data that a DSS can handle is commendable (Holsapple and Whinston, 1996). It can be configured to use several data sources easing down managerial work. Time, efficiency and ease of work all lead directly to a guarantee of achieving organizational goals, since if decisions are made on time, with good hindsight and information, they are bound to be successful and contribute towards standards set to be met by the organization.Futuristic advantages of a DSS include good-looking one company a strategi c edge over another through the effective use of a DSS which enables them to gather information from wide sources and work with them quickly in order to produce meaningful results that can be used to trigger well-timed decisions. DSS makes Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) a possibility, a process where the core activities and components of an organizational work flow or department are re-designed to improve their effectiveness towards organizational goal achieving.A possible disadvantage of a DSS might be their stagnancy with newer data types and the need to define reporting formats and the types of reports it can produce. A coffee maker knows how to make coffee. Similarly, a DSS cannot be programmed to work with data types as they come. It has to be informed, which is done in the designing phase, and once its made, there is no automatic way in which it can align itself to a data type without it having been configured earlier. So there is the need for redefinitions.On the posit ive outlook, a DSS is a well-oiled machine that is a very important part in running the organizational motors nonchalantly and stopping errors and inefficiency becoming an impediment to organizational goals and objectives (Thompson, 1999). The future is not happening without the use of a DSS, for sure. It is imperative that DSS be taken on into the future since it is an efficient part required to keep the wheels of efficiency and effective time management ticking on.REFERENCE1. Brooks jr. , F. P. (1987). No silver bullet essence and accidents of software engineering, IEEE Computer, 20(4), pp.10-19. 2. Marakas, George M. (2002). Decision Support Systems(2nd Edition) 3. Marakas, George M. (1998). Decision Support Systems in the 21st Century. 4. Holsapple, Clyde W. and Whinston, Andrew B. (1996). Decision Support Systems A intimacy Based Approach. 5. Thompson, J. Barrie (1999). Here, There and Everywhere The Future of Software Engineering Education. Twenty-Third Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference, from http//csdl2. computer. org/persagen/DLAbsToc. jsp? resourcePath=/dl/proceedings/&toc=comp/proceedings/compsac/1999/0368/00/0368toc. xml&inside=10. 1109/CMPSAC. 1999. 812708

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Keeping Сhildren Safe

I have been entangled in identifying hazards in my setting, such as in the irrigate play study, the nipperren accidently spilling water on the floor from splashing the water out of the water bowl and from arduous to experiment with pouring and get hold ofing bottles. Therefore, because this happened I proceeded to use in initiative and clean up the press release on the floor.The procedure I had took in this situation was that I asked the children to step away from the puddle on the floor and I informed one other provide about what I had follow throughn and asked if they can withhold an eye on children while I went to go and get a mop or a wipe to clean up the spilt ara. I wherefore went to collect the appropriate facilities and clean up the plastered area so the children would not slip over and hurt themselves.Once I had cleaned it all up I changed the clothes of a child, as they was wet from playing in the water and it hen put a dry towel on the floor so if there is a nother spillage, the towel go away bear on it fairly dry. P4. 2it is important to understand the different policys that provide a healthy and safe and sound environment for module and children. My nursery follow the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Substances equivocal to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) and the Reporting of Injuries and Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).When I have identified the hazard, the procedure, the setting would like me to take, is to clean it up straight away. This is so the children do not fall over and injure them self. It mentions in the health and sanctuary policies that when there is a spillage on the floor you must clear the area and mop up the spillage. I now know how to follow the settings policies and procedure as I have a feign of them at home therefore I can keep behavioring through them and making surely I am following the rules.P4. 3- If this was to happen again I would act quicker in transaction with the situation because I noticed while I was clean up the spilt area more children was missing to come over and play with the water. However I think I acted well because I managed to see a hazard and act upon it straight away before both children slipped over. P4. 1- I have been involved in dealing with minor accidents and injuries in my setting. For example I have filled in twain different accident forms ofincidents that I have witnessed, such as a child falling over and grazing a knee or arm. The procedure I took in this situation was to comfort the child who had fallen over and bring the child to a bench in the outdoor play area to sit down. I had a look at the graze on the left leg and then(prenominal) I then told the child that I was going to get a wet paper towel to put over the graze. I went into the classroom and got the wet paper towel and the accident form. I went tail over the child and asked her if she would want to hold the towel on her leg.While she was holding it down I started to fill the form out, I wrote down her full name, her age, location of incident, the date on incident, what happened, were she hurt herself, the treatment she was given, then I had to write down my name as I was the witness, another member of staff who witnessed it and at last I had to put my signature. Once I finished filling the form out, I had another look at her grazed leg and it was looking better, I asked if she wanted to stay sitting down or if she wanted to go back and play again, she said she wanted to play so I permit her go but I kept a close eye on her.P4. 2- An accident script is available which must be filled in if any child or member of staff sustains an injury whilst on the premises. Details of how, when, where and who the accident happened to must be recorded by the member of staff who saw and dealt with the injury. The treatment given must also be recorded. The childs parent provide be shown this information when the child is collected from nurse ry and requested to sign the form. If a childs injury is more serious than the everyday bumps and bruises, the parent will be contacted immediately and informed of the situation.Accident records are reviewed regularly during senior meetings. P4. 3- looking back now at this incident I think I acted positively trough out the incident, because comforted the child and acted upon the injury accurately. I think if this happened again I would ask for a member of the staff to help as I left the child whole of a little while and the child may of needed some with them for comfort while I went for the wet paper towel. Also I think I will look out for any safety hazards in the outdoor play area so the accident is prevented and no one else will hurt themselves.

Monday, May 20, 2019

A Research Paper Shoplifting and Senior Citizens Essay

Background and Overview makelift commonly occurs when an occurrence is taken away from a retail or merchandise store by a visitant without the intent of paying for it. The offence under the Criminal Justice System f anys under thieving/ theft and is punish able-bodied with miscellaneous degrees of severity that can also include imprisonment for short terms. shoplift has always been seen as a serious mixer problem affecting mostly solely grades of connection and does non diverseiate between sexes, age, income groups, race or socializations. As such beca commit of the universality of the phenomenon it is sometimes associated with Kleptomania, a mental overthrow which involves a failure to resist impulses to steal items that ar not get hold ofed or sought for personal use or monetary value. However, in most cases shrinking is deliberate, pre-planned and act for monetary gain and is very different from Kleptomania.Shoplifting occurs among all age groups and becomes an ext remely sensitive shorten when it involves senior citizens, patriarchal people who atomic build 18 above sixty. The emersion of patriarchal shoplifting is assuming sober proportions all over the world as birth rates decline and longevity increases. It is open to vie and seek whether elderly shoplifting is increasing only because people with flagitious t stop overencies ar becoming quondam(a) or whether new(prenominal) companionable fruits contribute towards this phenomenon. This phenomenon is not cut back to the United States or Europe. Even in Japan, the number of elderly inmates in prisons is increasing and a significant proportion of the convictions are due to shoplifting.The law detective developed an interest in the athletic field from reading a number of magazine and journal articles in the widely read popular press. Articles in the media take up the shoplifting issue mainly from the pull d hold back of sensationalism and thin out on the human interest ang le, focusing on greed, act, retribution and shame. A ontogenesis interest in the base led the police detective to read a few books on the subject and to the decision to subscribe to the social problem. Within the broad ambit of the issue, which of var. has an extensive canvas, t here was the claim to develop a specific focus. A more(prenominal) detailed socio-cultural investigation drew the attention of the research worker to the problem of elderly pluggers and the decision to investigate the reasons which could temper them to commit these petty criminal acts.Definition of enigmaWhile the increase in shoplifting amongst elderly citizens is recognised as a matter of gigantic concern very little investigative work has been conducted until now on the reason behind the phenomenon and the various corrective steps that may shoot to be taken to remedy the situation. A significant kernel of research has been conducted on Kleptomania because of its classification as a mental d isorder and there are find goodyments by way of medication and counselling to treat the patient. A number of articles let appeared in magazines and journals with devotion to the seriousness of the problem. Some of these articles are written from a sociological angle but most treat the issue with salaciousness, especially if celebrities are involved.While the social science literature is rather modest, considerable ordinary attention has been devoted to shoplifting. Articles on shoplifting appear regularly in mass media magazines and newspapers (e.g., Tooley, 1989 Tsiantar, 1989). They frequently cotton up the seriousness of the problem, famous personalities apprehended for shoplifting (e.g., beauty queens, politicians, and other celebrities), or interesting types of shoplifters (e.g., middle-class housewives or the elderly). Moralistic themes are often developed, showing how lives have been traumatized by the embarrassment of a shoplifting intercept (Klemke, 1992, p. 3)While literature is functional on the subject, very little research work has been carried out into shoplifting, per se, countenance alone elderly shoplifting, and a number of questions still need to be answered on its causes as surface as its effects. The problem of elderly shoplifting has not been investigated at length and in depth and is for social scientists and the criminal arbitrator agreement a dilemma that necessarily to be tackled.Research QuestionsThe detective thus, pull up stakes focus, during the Literature Review and the conduct of the assignment on obtaining answers to the following research questions.Are shoplifting acts caused by Kleptomania or any other mental disorders?What could be the different reasons behind the commitment of a shoplifting crime?Should shoplifting be set on par with larceny and theft by the criminal justice corpse?How much is the involvement of elderly citizens in shoplifting episodes?Should elderly citizens be treated in a manner similar to younger age groups by the criminal justice system?What can be done to reduce the incidence of shoplifting by the social and legal system?The research assignment proposes to focus on the listed questions and through a structured and determined research methodologies stimulate at findings that allow lend themselves to psychoanalysis and conclusions.Purpose of StudyShoplifting is a serious social problem which appears to be increasing and, apart from being simple acts of minor crime, could be symptomatic of different social problems. The increasing incidence of elderly citizens involving themselves in shoplifting makes it an redden more grim issue for study and adoption of corrective measures.The detective hopes that the study go forth be able to investigate the issue in depth and come to findings and conclusions that provide throw light on the canonic reasons behind elderly shoplifting and thus succeed in illuminating the issue and possibly in being able to provide an origi nal and interesting perspective to one of todays extremely vexing and disputatious dilemmas.At the cost of appearing presumptuous some of the solutions recommended may be worthy of implementation at the social level or be taken up for consideration by the criminal justice system.Research MethodologyData Analysis MethodsThis research assignment attempts to investigate the issues laid out in the section on Research Questions (in Page 5 of this proposal), namely the reasons behind the increase in episodes of shoplifting and possible solutions that leave behind assistant to resolve this vexing social problem. The issue at hand deals with an progressively traumatic global problem that today affects the societies of developed countries and could tomorrow, spread to the rest of the world.The appropriate research methodological analysis for the purpose of this assignment needs to take tending of the positions discussed until now and be tailored accordingly.An article on Integrating Qu antitative and Qualitative Methods in sociable Marketing Research by Nedra Kline Weinrich, primary produce in 1996 details a methodology, wherein a balanced and well thought out mix of decimal and qualitative research techniques could well be the most appropriate methodology for conducting this assignment In the subject assignment the researcher facial expressions that rigorous valued research surveys may not necessarily provide all of the info needed for proper analysis.An examination of the quantitative and qualitative paradigms ordain help to identify their strengths and weaknesses and how their diverging approaches can complement each other. In most cases, researchers fall into one of the two camps, either relying alone upon objective survey questionnaires and statistical analyses and eschewing warm and fuzzy qualitative methods, or using only qualitative methodologies, rejecting the quantitative approach as decontextualizing human air. However, it is widely accepted th at each approach has positive attributes and that trust different methods, if handled properly, can result in the best of both techniques. (Weinrich, 1996)Research techniques used for quantitative analysis aim to achieve objective results and eschew subjective interpretation. The respondents are generally selected through random ingest in a statistical manner aimed at achieving a response from the selected sample, which will be vox of the descend population. The research methodology pays much greater stress on the technique used and the basic premise on which the technique rests assumes that the quality of the researcher is independent of the results, his or her function being restricted to the following of guidelines.Weinrich postulates that while this technique is effective in a number of cases and is widely used, it suffers from an inherent danger of missing the finer nuances of an investigation and frequently leads to misleading results that are not supported by the afterl ife behaviour of the investigated population. As such, while this mode of research may be statistically sound, it could also be the reason behind the oft-quoted truth lies, damned lies and statisticsQualitative research methods are vastly different and concentrate on working with smaller groups known as focus groups. These focus groups are selected with great care but later subjected to intensive questioning and interviewing by trained researchers who are very well sexual in qualitative techniques. It is the job of these researchers to ensure that their respondents are able to provide them with subjective and interpretative data, which would have never come out with quantitative techniques. The information tends to be much more detailed, full of nuances and salute the investigation a holistic result, which is invaluable in assessing outcomes.A number of researchers believe that qualitative and quantitative researches are but two sides of the same coin and members of the same conti nuum.Qualitative research methodologies are intentional to provide the researcher with the perspective of target audience members through immersion in a culture or situation and direct interaction with the people under study. Qualitative methods include observations, in-depth interviews and focus groups. These methods are designed to help researchers understand the complexity of social and organizational phenomena and elucidate mental processes underlying behaviors. Hypotheses are generated during data collection and analysis, and measurements tend to be subjective. In the qualitative paradigm, the researcher becomes the instrument of data collection, and results may vary greatly depending upon who conducts the research.There are however some techniques wherein it is possible to integrate qualitative and quantitative methods in research.In the first approach, qualitative methods contribute to the development of quantitative instruments, such as the use of focus groups in questionna ire construction. The second model consists of a primarily quantitative study that uses qualitative results to help interpret or explain the quantitative findings. In the third approach, quantitative results help interpret predominantly qualitative findings, as when focus group participants are asked to fill out survey questionnaires at the session. In the fourth model, the two methodologies are used equally, in parallel to cross-validate, and build upon each others results. may operate under one or more of these models the approaches are not mutually exclusive. (Weinreich, 1996) cream of Information SourceThe quality of material to be used for the research assignment also needs decision and quantification. In this case, the researcher proposes to use both primary and secondary sources of information for compilation of data. primary(a) sources used will be derived from the information operable publicly and information gathered by the researcher. ordinary material includes gove rnmental notifications, texts of legal acts and statutes and original company websites of organizations providing tourism services. The researcher has also depended on questionnaires from respondents chosen from within the contact resource base of the researcher.Secondary sources will include information available from texts, journals and magazines as well as information available on the internet.Population and SamplingThe research methodology will focus on an investigative study of the data sources proposed to be researched as well as the texts mean for review in the Literature Review. The literature has been chosen with care and will be studied extensively. The researcher has explained the reasons behind the choice of techniques, a carefully thought out mix of quantitative and qualitative techniques and the choice of source of information, in this case both primary and secondary.In addition to all the secondary sources listed in the references and bibliography it is proposed to conduct a detailed survey of persons whose occupations put them in close contact with elderly shop lifters.It is proposed to restrict the primary research to policemen and departmental store security personnel, people who are generally the first to come in contact with elderly shoplifters after they are apprehended and who are the first to study their reactions. The researcher wished to investigate shoplifters directly but feels that it will be an extremely difficult task to position and obtain primary information from them. It is with regret that this route of investigation is not being considered in the endure of this research study.The respondents will be chosen with the help pf the local police department and with the help of one-third major departmental stores. Structured questionnaires, detailed in Appendix A will be displace to ten policemen with pay off of shoplifting episodes and to ten members of the internal security departments of three major departmental stores. I t is pass judgment that full twenty responses will be obtained as the researcher proposes to approach the respondents through senior officers of the police squash and through the managements of department stores.The senior officers of the police force and store managers will be approached with garner of accreditation from the university authorities and the researcher is sure of receiving their cooperation, once the reasons for the research are explained to them.Data Collection MethodsThe purpose of research and material available from secondary sources has been used as the base for developing the questionnaire. The questions have been prepared on the multiple choice format asking the respondent to choose the most suitable answer from a set of responses. This will enable the researcher to obtain the categorical response of a closed end question yet allow the respondent a choice. The questionnaires will be sent by e mail to the respondents with detailed instructions on completing t he questionnaires. All respondents will be assured of total privacy and questionnaires will be numbered numerically and not by name of respondent. All removed questionnaires will first be tabulated on excel spreadsheets and subsequently presented in a simple table format. erst the tabulation is completed and checked thoroughly the spreadsheets will be erased to have only one pattern of primary data.Literature ReviewIt is used to make substantial use of secondary material in the form of texts, journals and magazine articles as well as internet sources for purposes of data availability, analysis and investigation. Online libraries feature care Questia and other databases are already being used liberally and their extensive use in future during the course of the research is envisaged.. All sources used, cited in text or not have been arranged in the bibliography. The researcher prefers to take up topics for discussion sequentially and use inputs from a number of sources rather tha n deal with the sources and their authors separately for the sake of logical progression of ideas and cohesion of thought.The researcher has practically no first hand ascertain of shoplifting, no personal acquaintance with shoplifters and no close firsthand experience of shoplifting episodes. The interest in shoplifting was first generated by the books The Sociology of Shoplifting Boosters and Snitches by Lloyd Klemke and When Ladies Go A-Thieving Middle-Class Shoplifters in the Victorian surgical incision Store by Elaine S. Abelson. Both of these books are extremely informative try to look at the problem in totality.Abelson makes the point that shoplifting is not a contemporary phenomenon but has existed from the time huge stores started start in the USA. Shoplifting was a regular phenomenon and when indulged in by women from the upper classes were defined as a mental disorder with many physicians taking up the case of kleptomaniacs. In fact the word klepto became a much used ex pression to describe people with the knack for picking up small items from here and there. The shops slowly became larger and larger providing temptation on a never before scale and gave hike to a social problem that would remain and increase through the years.the excitement, the sensory stimulation, the profusion of goods, the crowds, the unnerving, often illusory, atmospheric state that the large department stores still evoke. As the great bazaars became both magnet and danger to numbers of middleclass women, the shoplifter emerged as a significant social and medical problem. (Abelson, 1992, p. 5)Over time the image of kleptomania as a specific female disease weakened with the emergence of Freudian thought but the association go on for many years. It is only in recent years, however, that the connection of shoplifting and women has been eradicated completely.with the emergence of a new scientific language, the terms of debate changed. The biological image of a specifically fema le disease gave way to Freudian psychiatry. In this new language, as in the old, women still provided the model of the shoplifter as patient even though men as well as women, adolescents as well as the elderly, made up the army of casual shoplifters. Only in recent decades has the singular association of shoplifting and women weakened. (Abelson, 1992, p. 197)On some other tack, the books proposed to be studied in the literature review have tried to categorize deviant behavior into different categories. Mary Owen Cameron (1964) attempted to classify shoplifters using the patois of her time into boosters and snitchers.These are the boosters, who are passkey shoplifters, and the snitches, who are amateur shoplifters. The most important difference is that boosters steal merchandise to sell, whereas snitches steal merchandise for their own use. Boosters are further divided into heels, who specialize in shoplifting, and ordinary boosters, who engage in shoplifting as just one of their m any forms of illicit activity. The latter are frequently involved in prostitution, narcotics addiction, and alcoholism, and they shoplift to support their habits. (Klemke, 1992, p. 70)Apart from tracing the causes and reasons for shoplifting, the breadth of this investigation makes it necessary to obtain information about elderly shoplifters. There is very little information available on elderly shoplifters in the detailed texts available and most such information needs to be accessed from contemporary articles in magazines and journals, some of which are available on the internet.There is common consensus in the fact that shoplifting among the elderly has been growing for more than a decade and has become a serious matter of concern. The reasons for shoplifting appear to vary from depression to genuine need to simple momentary greed.Several studies have found diagnosed depression to exist in round 1/3 of the shoplifters studied. Depression was the most frequently found physiologi cal problem. This helps to explain why so many shoplifters steal from stores on their birthday and around holiday times. (Berlin, 2006)The other point of concern is the fact that the number of first offences is also growing and more and more of the elderly are giving in to the temptation of pilfering items from departmental stores for the first time in their lives. Psychiatrists believe that, as most elderly shoplifters do not indulge in this sort of petty crime because of financial need the phenomenon may be indicative of psychiatric disorders and should be dealt with accordingly.There is also the theory that changing social conditions and difficulties in make out with increased expenses in old age leads some people to take up small crimes like shoplifting.The elderly are not only victims of crime, they are also perpetrators, particularly in the crime of shoplifting. The personnel casualty of income at retirement and the social isolation of the elderly are contributing factors in their involvement in theft. The raising of the compulsory retirement age and preretirement counselling could do much to relieve the elderlys sense of desperation that often leads to crime. Public services that inform the elderly about crime prevention measures and provide victim services could do much to relieve the debilitating consequences of crime against the elderly. The elderly themselves could form to attack their common problems. One activity they might undertake is act watching, which involves monitoring how the elderly are treated by the courts as both victims and offenders. (Moak, Zimmer, Elliot, 1988)The researcher will study the literature available from a number of angles, chiefly the historical development of shoplifting, the increase in elderly involvement, the chief reasons for shoplifting, psychiatric responses to the issue, the spot of counselling, the provisions of the criminal justice system and common punitive action. The bibliography contains a listing of a number of texts to be used for the literature review. This list is by no means exhaustive and additional books will certainly be used if they are relevant and become available.AnalysisThe researcher proposes tu use data from primary and secondary sources to arrive at findings for analysis and conclusions. Primary data, apart from questionnaires from respondents in the police force and security departments of departmental sources will be obtained from various legal and governmental websites. Secondary data, as give tongue to earlier will be obtained from the various texts studied for the literature review.Once the data has been collected and collated in an Excel spreadsheet it will be analysed for responses and the data from all the questionnaires will be merged into tabulated formats that will give composite pictures of the responses from the primary population sample. Tabulations will need to be done separately for the responses from the policemen and the store security personnel to see the differences in the perceptions of these two different groups.It is important to understand that the analysis will need to be done with reference to the Research Questions. The responses from the secondary data and the primary data will need to be related to each Research Question separately and it will need to be assessed whether there are any contradictions between the secondary data, the different primary data sources and the Research Question. Responses in which all sources corroborate each other will obviously be considered to be strong and categorical and will need to be treated as such.A detailed analysis of the data will lead to findings that will determine the outcome of this research.ConstraintsConstraints, if any could arise in the collection of primary data. Respondents may not return the filled questionnaires or may fill them incorrectly. The researcher proposes to pay great attention to the complete procedure for collection of primary data and will meke sinc ere efforts to overcome problems and roadblocks, if and when they arise.AppendicesFraming of QuestionnaireThe Questionnaire will be framed in a variation of a multiple choice format, where each question could have a direct response or 3 to 5 choices. In case of MCQs the respondent will need to specify one particular answer so that the best possible choice is obligate out of him/her. A sample questionnaire is provided here below. This questionnaire is still open to revision and incorporation of fresh details, if so required. Apart from the questions the questionnaire will also have other administrative details which have been omitted in the proviso of this first sample.How many episodes of shoplifting have you been witness to? A. Less than 5, B. Between 5 and 10, C much than 10In these episodes of shoplifting what were the numbers of A. Men B.Women C. Juveniles (Less than 18) D. Adults (18 to 60) E. Seniors (60)In how many of these episodes were charges pressed in court?In how man y of the cases were convictions obtained?Is the incidence of shoplifting growing? Yes/NoIn your perception are more elders indulging in shoplifting? Yes/NoWhat is the most important reason for shoplifting? A. Financial conduct B. ImpulseAre episodes of shoplifting premeditated or impulsive A. Premeditated B. ImpulsiveIn your experience, do you feel that people involved in shoplifting come from poorer economic strata? Yes/NoIn your experience do you feel that people involved in shoplifting suffer from any mental disorder? Yes/NoDo you feel that elderly shoplifters should be treated more leniently than the others? Yes/NoDo you feel that elderly people are treated more leniently than the others? Yes/NoWhat do you feel is the best way to treat first time elderly offenders? A. Punishment B. Counselling C. Warning D. confederacy of the above (Specify)Do you feel that the Criminal Justice System should be stricter with shoplifters? Yes/NoLocation of respondentsIt has been trenchant that the there will be 10 respondents from the police force and ten respondents from the security departments of departmental stores.the researcher will access senior officials of the police force and the three chosen departmental stores.The researcher will write letters to them with the following contentsPersonal introductionIntroduction of academic institution part to tutor and Head of InstitutionPurpose of StudyLikely benefits of studyCooperation requiredAppreciation and gratitude. murder of these letters will be followed by personal phone calls, appointments and confirmation of respondents.ReferencesAbelson, E. S. (1992). When Ladies Go A-Thieving Middle-Class Shoplifters in the Victorian Department Store. New York Oxford University Press.Arbetter, L. (1993, September). Security Spotlight Shoplifting Reigns Supreme. Security Management, 37, 16+. Retrieved October 8, 2006, from Questia database http//, P, (2006), Why do shoplifters steal? Retrieved October 7, 2006 from, C. B., & Hiew, C. (1983). Preventive Interventions in the Criminal Justice System a Process Analysis. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 25(3), 319-328. Retrieved October 8, 2006, from Questia database http//, R. (1989, December). Why the Temptation?. Security Management, 33, 126+. Retrieved October 8, 2006, from Questia database http//, C. C. (1981). Prevention of Shoplifting a Community Action Approach. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 23(1), 57-68. Retrieved October 8, 2006, from Questia database http//, L. W. (1992). The Sociology of Shoplifting Boosters and Snitches Today. Westport, CT Praeger. Retrieved October 8, 2006, from Questia database http//, G, Zimmer, B and Elliot, M (1988) clinical perspectives on elderly first ti me offender shoplifters, Retrieved October 7, 2006 from, V. F. (1985). Shoplifting Prevention the Role of Communication-Based Intervention Strategies. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 27(1), 15-30.Weinrich, N.K., (1996) Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Social Marketing Research,, Retrieved October 7, 2006 from, J, (2002), Pyromania, Kleptomania and other Impulse-Control Disorders, Retrieved October 7, 2006 from

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Characteristics of a Good Boss vs. a Bad Boss

We live in a society that offers a diverse and broad range of job opportunities, though finding able employment can be difficult in todays economy. For some, that means putting up with a hopeless foreman or a good boss. The most notable distinction between the two types of bosses is whether they send you to do your job . A boss are generally defined as some adept who flat supervises the work activities of others. The perception of whether a boss is considered good or knotty depends on the outlook of the employee existence supervised. Bosses come in all flavors and styles.Most bosses are easy to work with and will do their outdo to create an enjoyable working environment for everyone. Flexibility, honesty understanding, listening, open for the input of your employees and taking full obligation are the most important qualities you need to be a good boss. A good boss provides good work direction, has a hands-off approach, and is available when needed. Usual a good boss is one t hat becomes the mentor of their employees. A good boss is as much as team player as a leader. Good bosses always understand and encourage focused side-projects. .A good manager promotes on deserve and ability.A bad manager promotes his friends based on their ability not to leaven him or her up. As a result, employees tend to be happier, more at ease, and more likely to be more productive. unfavourable bosses are not pleasing to be around. No one likes an individual who criticizes, belittles and disrespects people. On the other hand, a bad boss micromanages the work of employees, hangs over their shoulders, and often criticizes their work in front of others. A bad boss fails to give recognition for the little things his employee does. Another quality of a bad boss is unfitness to communicate.Usually, a bad boss does not listen to what is being said or does not maintenance about what is being said. A bad manager promotes his friends based on their ability not to show him or her up . The boss whose self-interest always comes first or whose chief drive is to constantly coif favor with senior managers at higher levels in the organization without sharing credit with his/her staff or employees. The boss, who demands that a task be completed on an unrealistically small budget, or with an unrealistically pen up deadline, then goes ballistic when those impossible demands cannot be met.