Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Keeping Сhildren Safe

I have been entangled in identifying hazards in my setting, such as in the irrigate play study, the nipperren accidently spilling water on the floor from splashing the water out of the water bowl and from arduous to experiment with pouring and get hold ofing bottles. Therefore, because this happened I proceeded to use in initiative and clean up the press release on the floor.The procedure I had took in this situation was that I asked the children to step away from the puddle on the floor and I informed one other provide about what I had follow throughn and asked if they can withhold an eye on children while I went to go and get a mop or a wipe to clean up the spilt ara. I wherefore went to collect the appropriate facilities and clean up the plastered area so the children would not slip over and hurt themselves.Once I had cleaned it all up I changed the clothes of a child, as they was wet from playing in the water and it hen put a dry towel on the floor so if there is a nother spillage, the towel go away bear on it fairly dry. P4. 2it is important to understand the different policys that provide a healthy and safe and sound environment for module and children. My nursery follow the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Substances equivocal to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) and the Reporting of Injuries and Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).When I have identified the hazard, the procedure, the setting would like me to take, is to clean it up straight away. This is so the children do not fall over and injure them self. It mentions in the health and sanctuary policies that when there is a spillage on the floor you must clear the area and mop up the spillage. I now know how to follow the settings policies and procedure as I have a feign of them at home therefore I can keep behavioring through them and making surely I am following the rules.P4. 3- If this was to happen again I would act quicker in transaction with the situation because I noticed while I was clean up the spilt area more children was missing to come over and play with the water. However I think I acted well because I managed to see a hazard and act upon it straight away before both children slipped over. P4. 1- I have been involved in dealing with minor accidents and injuries in my setting. For example I have filled in twain different accident forms ofincidents that I have witnessed, such as a child falling over and grazing a knee or arm. The procedure I took in this situation was to comfort the child who had fallen over and bring the child to a bench in the outdoor play area to sit down. I had a look at the graze on the left leg and then(prenominal) I then told the child that I was going to get a wet paper towel to put over the graze. I went into the classroom and got the wet paper towel and the accident form. I went tail over the child and asked her if she would want to hold the towel on her leg.While she was holding it down I started to fill the form out, I wrote down her full name, her age, location of incident, the date on incident, what happened, were she hurt herself, the treatment she was given, then I had to write down my name as I was the witness, another member of staff who witnessed it and at last I had to put my signature. Once I finished filling the form out, I had another look at her grazed leg and it was looking better, I asked if she wanted to stay sitting down or if she wanted to go back and play again, she said she wanted to play so I permit her go but I kept a close eye on her.P4. 2- An accident script is available which must be filled in if any child or member of staff sustains an injury whilst on the premises. Details of how, when, where and who the accident happened to must be recorded by the member of staff who saw and dealt with the injury. The treatment given must also be recorded. The childs parent provide be shown this information when the child is collected from nurse ry and requested to sign the form. If a childs injury is more serious than the everyday bumps and bruises, the parent will be contacted immediately and informed of the situation.Accident records are reviewed regularly during senior meetings. P4. 3- looking back now at this incident I think I acted positively trough out the incident, because comforted the child and acted upon the injury accurately. I think if this happened again I would ask for a member of the staff to help as I left the child whole of a little while and the child may of needed some with them for comfort while I went for the wet paper towel. Also I think I will look out for any safety hazards in the outdoor play area so the accident is prevented and no one else will hurt themselves.

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