Thursday, November 21, 2019

Develop a thesis, or narrowly focused argument on a text Essay

Develop a thesis, or narrowly focused argument on a text - Essay Example Thus, one of the corner stones in his opposition towards oppression of different religious groups is the necessity of separation of Church and state which is seen in the following exemplary quotation: â€Å"true civility and Christianity may both flourish in a state or kingdom† (Williams). In addition to that, the author understands that the issue of religious prosecution is a result of interference of religion into the government. That is why on many occasions he puts emphasis on his ability tot distinguish between the two. For example, while addressing High Court of Parliament he writes: â€Å"your task as Christians is to save the souls, but as magistrates – the bodies and goods, of others† (Williams). Finally, there are numerous occasions where he points out the incompatibility of the religious oppression and adherence to the spiritual principles since the latter are based on peace, while the former promotes war. He makes a rather convincing point showing that prosecution of conscience â€Å"is not required nor accepted by Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace† (Williams). In other words, he suggests that waging a war in order to achieve a unified religious environment is against the very principles of such a peace loving religion as Christianity. Another interesting aspect of the reading in question is the way the author engages various expressive devices in order to convey his point of view. Thus, there are various instances when he uses picturesque comparisons so that the readers could perceive the situation from his point of view. For example, this is how he perceived the victory over religious oppression: men will â€Å"dispel and scatter such fogs and darkness† (Williams). What is more important is that several times in the text, the author engages surrealistic, yet quite expressive images in order to show the real state of affairs in the society, as he perceives it. Here is how he addresses the issue of

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