Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Arnold Friend Symbolism Analysis - 790 Words

â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?†, by Joyce Carole Oates is about a young girl named Connie and her consequences for living a sinful life. Connie is a fifteen-year-old girl that one day gets a visit from two unexpected visitors. Oates uses symbolism throughout the short story to support her theme of evilness and sinfulness. There are many examples of symbolism being used in this story, with Arnold Friend being the most important symbol. When Arnold Friend and Ellie arrive to Connie’s house she notices something strange about Arnold. For one, they pulled up in a bright gold car with writing all over it. His name is written on the car along with a grinning face with sunglasses and three random numbers. She notices that it looks as†¦show more content†¦The three numbers did not mean anything to her. The three numbers the Devil stated symbolize a verse in the Bible. If you count backwards thirty-three books in the Old Testament of the Bible you will be in the book of Judges. If you go to chapter nineteen, verse seventeen you will see where â€Å"The old man said, Where are you going, and where do you come from?†, this is where the title is from (Gruenewald). The symbolism of these numbers helps to develop Oates theme of sinfulness and evilness, because the Devil is trying to see if the numbers mean anything to Connie. The last symbol Oates uses in the story is the phone. Arnold Friend is outside leaned against his car talking to Connie through a screen door. Connie is standing against the door wanting Arnold to leave but he will not. Connie told him that she is going to call the police if he does not leave, his response was that if she touches the phone he will have to come inside. The reason the Devil does not want Connie to use the phone is because she is going to call God for help. The phone symbolizes a stairway to Heaven, a safe place away from the Devil. Connie runs to the phone and picks it up, and all in a blur she is screaming for her mother and is being â€Å"stabbed† by Arnold repetitively. Arnold tells Connie to hang the phone back up and come outside with him, and at his command she does. She feels as though she is watching herself walk outShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?† Essay1018 Words   |  5 PagesApril 2011 Analysis of â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?† by Joyce Carol Oates In 1966, Joyce Carol Oates published her short story â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?†. Oates was inspired to write this story after reading about a serial killer that was referred to as â€Å"The Pied Piper of Tucson†. Oates was disturbed by the number of teenagers that this killer was able to persuade to help him and keep his secrets (Oates 1). 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