Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Fitness Movement in the USA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fitness Movement in the USA - Assignment Example Several fitness businesses ranging from small storefronts to multipurpose clubs, women-only bastions to muscle gyms dotted the sporting landscape. Stand-alone clubs donated the industry until the twentieth century when the industry was transformed by the large centrally owned chains. According to Costa & Guthrie (1994), the last decade of the twentieth century was depicted by the formation of â€Å"Chandlerian† core, a contrast to the peripheral industry. The fitness movement thrived successfully in an environment that gifted collective individualism; an environment where the labor of public exercise initiated individual virtue. The shifting gender relations and the interest of women and men in molding a fit toned but healthy body were the founding issues of the movement (Costa & Guthrie, 1994).   In conclusion, the fitness movement focused on health and individuals’ responses to building self-esteem. The movement serves a positive and vital need while focussing on profits from people and depend on insecurities and the desire to have a glimpse at commercially constructed images of aesthetic value. The images of beauty taking the form of fitness in hyper-competitive, zero-sum, winner-take-all environment with an evanescent mirage security lead to deteriorating human happiness.

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