Saturday, June 8, 2019

ExxonMobil Oil Essay Example for Free

ExxonMobil Oil EssayAs far as my knowledge of anthropology is bear on ExxonMobil Oil must have great empathy for Gwichin, which I think they have but they are not showing it properly to Gwichin. Tundra is home town or village of Gwichin and they must be scared of such activities because they are un sensitive of the consequences of drilling and seismic exploration, etc. There is lack of communication between ExxonMobil and Gwichin and other personnel who hold the authority to give permission to drill or explore oil. Gwichin think that ExxonMobil oil does not some(prenominal)er for their rights, they have to do what they pauperization to do independent of our satisfaction. Gwichin thinks that these batch have already made their minds and they don not want to listen to us. ExxonMobil Oil must send delegations to Gwichin to hold negotiations with Gwichin and take form them aware about the technology and upstart ways of drilling and exploration. They must tell Gwichin that alth ough these activities are harmful to environment to some extent but modern technology has reduced this harm to tokenish.In fact positive wobbles after drilling and production of oil will be great as compared to the electronegative impacts and Gwichin must be made well aware by each of those positive impacts. ExxonMobil Oil must keep in mind that it would be precise difficult for Gwichin to agree to their points in truth quickly because Gwichins are adapted to this type of environment for several years and any sudden change to their environment and change about which Gwichin does not know completely would not be welcomed very easily.ExxonMobil Oil must show empathy which they posses for Gwichin and for that they would have to strive very hard. Gwichin must also be told that, in petroleum activities such as drilling, exploration, etc foremost importance is given to environment, health and safety. It must be told that no waste is directly overt to the environment which harmful for the environment without treating. Gwichin must be told that there will not be any disturbance directly to the environment for a very long time.At the time of commencing of any drilling or exploration natural action there will be bit of problem but subsequent hurdles will only be in the form of pipelines and small stations, which could be designed in such a way causing minimum or no harm to the environment or to the wildlife residing in the land of tundra. ExxonMobil Oil must emphasis on the benefits rather then adversities which Gwichin will esteem after the exploration and production of oil. Gwichin must also be included in the advisory committee of development of this field for their satisfaction and performing the activity in better way from Gwichin point of view.Gwichin must be told that although there will be bit of change but that change is beneficial for these people in great number of ways. For example if drilling, exploration or other such activity takes place then this could be an easy source of income for the Gwichin as compared to old livelihood. ExxonMobil must be determined to compel these people and must remember that if there is a will there is always a way. ExxonMobil place also use personnel from other tribe which agreed to the drilling and exploration activity in their as part of their delegations.On the other mitt Gwichin must also compromise. Gwichin must listen to their proposals, in fact Gwichin must also propose a plan because these people are better aware of the environment and they can point out subtleties which others will not even know and can also point out their better remedy. ExxonMobil Oil and Gwichin both must join their heads together to make such a plan which cause minimum damage to the environment, to tundra land, to the wildlife living there and finally to the Gwichins.REFERENCES1. Anthropology by Robert Ranulph Marett

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